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Therefore Project
What About Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?
It doesn't seem fair that Christianity is the only way if there are those who have never heard of Jesus. Is that fair? In this video, Ron looks at how the message of...

Therefore Project
Is the Bible Just Like Any Other Religious Book?
Just about everyone has heard of the Bible, but very few know how unique it is, not only in the world of religious books--but all books. This video looks at three things...

Therefore Project
Is Jesus Just Like Any Other Religious Figure?
There have been more books, songs, and poems written about Jesus than any other person in history. Why is that? The obvious answer is because there is something very...

Therefore Project
Can Christianity and Evolution Coexist?
While Evolution and Christianity differ on many things, this video explains how the differences should never be a barrier in talking about Jesus. There are aspects of...

Therefore Project
Is Christianity a Crutch?
Some say Christianity is a crutch for weak people who can't make it on their own. In some ways this is true, but there's a good chance it's different than you may think.

Therefore Project
Is Christianity Narrow and Restrictive?
Every community is narrow and restrictive. Things are always required to keep a community united and healthy, and Christianity is no different. But is it unreasonably...

Therefore Project
How Can God Allow Suffering?
If God is truly loving and good, then why would He allow suffering? This video offers a perspective that helps to deepen our understanding of this difficult question.

Therefore Project
Is Religion A Man Made Invention?
Is religion something people made up in an attempt to explain things they don't understand? That is a very real possibility, yet in reality, people make up things all...

Therefore Project
What About All the Hypocrites?
In this video, Ron acknowledges there is hypocrisy in many areas of life, including Christianity. But more than anything, this validates there is an original worth...

Therefore Project
I Can't Believe In a God Who Says Things are Wrong!
Some people have a hard time believing in a God who calls out certain behaviors as wrong, so they create their own God who conveniently thinks like they do. But doesn't...

Therefore Project
There Can't Be Just One True Religion!
People struggle with the idea of Christianity being the "only way." How can that be? But maybe the better question is, why can't it be? Truth is always narrow and...

Therefore Project
Is Religion the Problem?
There is no question religion has created lots of conflict throughout history. But is that because they violated their core beliefs, or because they followed them? In...

Therefore Project
Is God Arrogant: Demanding Our Worship, or Else?
In this video, Ron looks at how our idea of "arrogance" doesn't fit when it comes to God, and the "or else" is very different than we might think.

Therefore Project
No Religion is Better than Another
In an attempt to appear open-minded and politically correct, it's common to hear people say that no religion is better than another. They're just different. In this...

Therefore Project
Are All Religions the Same?
While all religions are similar in some areas, Christianity has a major difference at its very core. This video is a MUST for anyone who wants to understand how...

Therefore Project
How Can God Allow Evil?
This video helps to clear up some of the confusion about God's involvement and responsibility when it comes to all the evil we see going on in the world. He always gets...

Therefore Project
Does Science Conflict with Christianity?
The world of science is wonderful, but it has limitations. It's only when science tries to replace God that there's conflict. This video shows how the two can easily...

Therefore Project
How Do We Know God Exists?
It's not uncommon for people to ask for "proof" of God's existence, but is that even possible? In this video, Ron looks at how the "proving" of God is more about theory...

Therefore Project
How Can A Loving God Send People to Hell?
Just exactly what is hell, and how do people end up there? In this video, Ron expands our understanding of Hell and explains that it's not really about God "sending",...
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